TKM Report 2021
Annual Report 2020-21 35 Employee volunteering programme-iCARE iCARE (I, Community Action to Reach Everyone), TKM’s employee volunteering program of was initiated in 2017 with the aim of encouraging employees to contribute towards to the society. We believe, our employees have a lot of potential and expertise which can be useful for the be erment of the society. With this iCARE came into existence which provided a platform for employees to get an added purpose by engaging with community on diverse social issues. TKM visualizes to enhance its social impact and making it more sustainable by integrating iCARE in all CSR endeavors. 19 large volunteering events 04 events in FY 20-21 2,676 volunteering hours 1870 volunteering hours in FY 20-21 57,465 Overall lives touched in FY 20-21 10,800 1,000 registered employee volunteers, till 2020-21 4.53/5 average rating by volunteers added in 2019-20 iCARE Philosophy Reactive Leading Proactive Connecting Individuals Company’s connect the business goals with the TMs personal interest Create a sense of belongingness with communith and company Promote Champions Enhance employee volunteering Volunteers Lead activities Embedding the sense of responsibility in TMs To make volunteering consistent To demonstrate TMs between words (Corporate Communications) and deeds (Implementation success) Ongoing 2017 Team Members Lead CSR Practioner Team Members +Families Short Term Long Term Mid Term Stage 1: 2017-2018 Stage 3: 2022 Stage 2: 2018-2021
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