TKM Report 2021

Annual Report 2020-21 15 Education Committed and focused investments towards improving education infrastructure is one of the key a spe c t s o f s e cur i ng t he f u t ur e o f communities we work with. Guided by our belief of creating long-term value for our stakeholders, the education initiatives of TKM are aimed at ensuring quality and equity. # Overall outreach numbers since 2001 EQUITY IN EDUCATION Bags 10,547 and Geometry boxes 19,975 were distributed Notebooks 5,98,586 Key Programme Highlights Equitable access and user-friendly infrastructure guide the path for our education related CSR interventions # OVERALL OUTREACH 1,16,396 INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT 2,349 students benefiting from modernization of educational infrastructure (reconstruction) of 11 government schools QUALITY EDUCATION 1,11,233 students in 1,456 schools provided with learning aid